If you purchase Goods from us via our website and you are able to cancel your order with us for any reason or no reason at all within seven (7) days following receipt of your Goods by providing us with notice. Goods should be returned to us as soon as reasonably practicable but in no event later than seven (7) days after your notification to us that you wish to cancel your order. Goods should be returned to us undamaged and in their original packaging.
If you purchase Goods from us acting in the course of business the above rights of cancellation do not apply to you. In this event cancellation of your order or the return of any Goods may only be accepted after prior agreement with us. On no account can cancellation be accepted for items ordered specially by us on your behalf. Cancellations will be subject to a cancellation charge. Then the balance will be refunded to you.
If you purchase Goods from us acting in the course of business the above rights of cancellation do not apply to you. In this event cancellation of your order or the return of any Goods may only be accepted after prior agreement with us. On no account can cancellation be accepted for items ordered specially by us on your behalf. Cancellations will be subject to a cancellation charge. Then the balance will be refunded to you.